

Welcome to our Testing Center. We coordinate and administer all testing services and assessments. Currently, the following tests are being administered. Click on the test to see times/dates for each. 

Test Center Procedures

  1. ID Requirements:  You must show a photo ID and sign in at the receptionist desk.
  2. Cell phones and other electronic devices, as well as food and drinks are not permitted in the testing area.
  3. Scratch paper and pencils are provided. All scratch paper must be turned in to the Test Center staff.
  4. Only people who are taking a test are allowed in our testing rooms. 
  5. The Test Center staff cannot be responsible for children or adults who require care and supervision.
  6. Restroom breaks are allowed. Breaks longer than 10 minutes will forfeit your testing session.


Testing Services
Room 408 Ardoin Building, Lafayette Campus

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