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brand transformation
From 2022-2024, the Office of Communications and Marketing worked with SimpsonScarborough, higher education marketing firm, to rebrand South Louisiana Community College. The team evaluated the College's reputation and perception and developed a brand strategy to improve recruitment and recognition.
Brand Reveal
Thank you to everyone who made our Brand Reveal possible! Missed it? Get a taste for the event by reviewing the materials below.
Read the press release here.
Click play to view the reveal video to your right.
View the presentation.
KADN Media Coverage
Discover Lafayette Podcast coverage
Brand launch Reels
Brand board
Get a taste of our new look and feel.
Please contact the Office of Communications and Marketing should you have any questions.
- Increase college recognition
- Improve student and staff recruitment
- Maximize fundraising opportunities
- Leverage research and diagnostics
- Bolster SLCC pride
- Develop a multi-media identity system & strategy
- Create a "voice" and "tone" for SLCC messaging
Management: Marketing & Communications
Stakeholder Support: Institutional Advancement
Committee: Departmental Communications Leaders & Academic Experts
Leadership & Buy-In: Executive Team
Phase 1: Research
- Audit & Review
- In-Person Surveying
- Discovery Report
- Quantitative Research
Phase 2 (continued): brand strategy
- Marketing Strategy
Phase 2: Brand Identity
- Brand Platform
- Personas & Messaging
- Creative Discovery, Testing, Concepting
- Concept Buildout
- Brand Guide
Phase 3: Brand activation
- Foundational Design Elements
- Templates & Samples
- Brand Camp Training Workshop
Brand Launch Photos
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