Career Success


We strive to increase student awareness of transfer opportunities to 4-year institutions by providing comprehensive services and resources to SoLAcc students and alumni. 


  • Assist with transitioning to 4-year colleges and universities and other professional programs. 
  • Provide transfer counseling and assistance. 
  • Connect with transfer recruiters and 4-year college representatives. 
  • Help develop educational and career plans. 


  • Degree planning assistance 
  • Transfer Advising 
  • Transfer fairs 
  • Transfer student information sessions 
  • Educational and career planning 
  • Application assistance 
  • Monthly recruiter visits 


  • College and university pamphlets 
  • College and university brochures and catalogs 
  • Computer workstations 

Tranfser opportunities

South Louisiana Community College offers a variety of degrees that in addition to completion of the degree at SoLAcc (Business, Criminal Justice, General Studies, Industrial Technology) can also provide transfer coursework to a four-year institution. Visit the catalog to see the full listing of 2+2 Agreements and transfer opportunities. 


Services are provided to students and alumni on all SoLAcc campuses. Contact our staff today to help you explore all your transfer and career needs. 

Career and Transfer Services

Lafayette Campus - Ardoin Building, Room 105

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