Dr. Kevin Browning, SLCC’s new Director of the Center for Professional Development, is originally from Baton Rouge and attributes his success to hard work, perseverance and the determination to overcome any obstacle. Read more about him below.
Describe your job in three words.
Innovative. Adaptive. Evolving.
Where do you find joy in your work?
Contributing to an initiative or project, then working collaboratively to bring the concept to reality.
What would you tell someone about why your work at SLCC is valuable?
Just as the student population has changed and continues to change, so too are faculty and staff changing. The Center for Professional Development will create synergy for continuous improvements, professional growth, employee retention, and burnout reduction. Another added value of the center is to link employees from all campuses to embrace a united SLCC mindset without geographical restrictions.
What’s your educational background?
Bachelor of Science in Business Management. Masters of Arts in Organizational Management. Doctorate of Education in Educational Leadership
Describe your best day on any job you’ve ever had.
The best day(s) on the job is (has been) without a doubt Commencement. During my tenure as the Chief Academic Officer of my previous university, I had the honor of conferring hundreds of degrees to graduates as they achieve degree completion. I am always emotional as the graduates cross the stage and I am able to shake their hand before presenting them with their credentials. There is a brief time where we pause for the photographer, and both realize the moment is a change to their future. Another great experience is to stand behind the podium, look toward the graduating class and officially confer their degree as the learners toss caps into the air!
If you could have any job in the world, what would you choose to do?
Architect. I have always been amazed at how drawings on a piece of paper can manifest into massive structures with the smallest of details addressed and connected.
Tell us about your most important accomplishment to date.
Still being married to my best friend! After many years of celebrating victories and facing challenges together, we are still best friends enjoying the journey.
What makes you laugh?
My grandchildren. I have five grandchildren ranging in age from 18-months to nine years. Each one has a unique personality and distinctive quirks, but when they are all together there is no telling what will come out of their collective mouths.
Where are you from originally and how did living there shape your future?
I am originally from Baton Rouge and was raised by a single mother with three children. Although she worked multiple jobs to support us, we still struggled. However, growing up my brothers and I never really knew we were lacking. The experience taught us tenacity, self-reliance and faith. If we wanted something, we had to find a way to get it by taking ownership. What we have (or do not have) is our responsibility and no one else’s. I am very proud to say that all three boys have achieved success by hard work, perseverance and determination to overcome any obstacle.
What is something no one would ever guess about you?
I have a guilty pleasure of binge-watching the ID channel.
What are you passionate about?
Living my truth and creating the most positive life possible
Lastly, dog or cat and why?
Dog. We have a 14-year old miniature chocolate dachshund named Tucker.