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Meet Brandin Busch: Chief Aviation Officer

Meet Brandin Busch: Chief Aviation Officer

Brandin Busch, Chief Aviation Officer for SLCC’s International School of Aviation Excellence in New Iberia, is former military, loves to fish, and enjoys a good dad joke. Read more about him below.


Describe your job in three words.

Attention to detail.


Where do you find joy in your work?

It is seeing students and instructors that enjoy flying as much as I do and sharing in that passion.


What would you tell someone about why your work at SLCC is valuable?

I am equipping students with access to enjoy the gift of flight.


Tell us about your most important accomplishment to date.

It would have to be when I received my Flight Instructor Certificate. I never imagined that I could have achieved such a high standard of professionalism after the military. It was difficult, and I had my ups and downs. Being surrounded by a dedicated group of instructors gave me the confidence to try, and sometimes that first step is all you need to get you through.


If you could have any job in the world, what would you choose to do?

I would love to work as a pilot with a wildlife management service, either here in the U.S. or abroad.


What’s your educational background?

After eight years in the United States Marine Corps, I completed my A.A.S. in Helicopter Pilot Operations at Baton Rouge Community College.


What makes you laugh?

Dad jokes.


Where are you from originally, and how did living there shape your future?

I grew up in a military household, so I wouldn’t say I am originally from one place in particular. Being that I moved around a lot, I was able to learn about many different cultures. That exposure helped me to develop a respect for all people at a young age.


What is something no one would ever guess about you?

I love to fish. It’s become somewhat of an obsession, but a healthy escape simultaneously. It is especially helpful that I live in Louisiana and have multiple friends with boats.


Describe your best day on any job you’ve ever had.

As a flight instructor, your most nervous moment is after you have endorsed a student for solo flight. That means that you will let someone that you have taught, fly an aircraft by themselves. The day I endorsed my first solo student, we flew to the Zamperini Field Airport in Torrance, California. I stepped out of the aircraft, shut the door, and watched my student fly safely around the traffic pattern for what seemed like forever. It was twelve minutes. It wasn’t until I returned home that night that I was able to enjoy the moment fully.


What are you passionate about?

I am passionate about life and experiences. I have been able to do a lot in my career and I am thankful that I have the support of so many great people. The experiences and memories that I have been able to create are what I am most grateful for.


Lastly, dog or cat and why?

Dog. I appreciate the way that dogs are able to accompany and work with people. It is impressive the way that they can communicate and learn with us and the fact that they are willing to do so is even more endearing.

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