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CARES Act Update for Students

CARES Act Update for Students

May 6, 2020

Dear Students:

This is a follow-up from the previous email sent to you earlier this week about the CARES Act Student Emergency Grant. After reviewing the United States Department of Education’s (USDOE) guidelines, South Louisiana Community College has determined that the following students will be eligible to receive CARES Act Student Emergency Grants:

  • students with active enrollment in a Title IV eligible program between March 1-31, 2020, 
  • students who filed a FAFSA no later than March 13, 2020, and 
  • students who were eligible to receive Title IV funds within the spring 2020 semester

Students in the following categories are NOT eligible to receive the emergency funds:

  • students who are incarcerated, 
  • students who are cross-enrolled and whose “home institution” is a non-LCTCS college, and
  • students who were enrolled only in online courses prior to March 1, 2020.

If you meet the eligibility requirements and were enrolled in two (2) or more LCTCS colleges during March 2020, the college with the most academic history (i.e., the college where you have earned the most credits) will award the funds. Students who fall into this category will receive one (1) payment. 

South Louisiana Community College is currently finalizing the list of students that meet all eligibility requirements as outlined above. We want to carefully review all students to make sure that everyone that is eligible receives the funds. We appreciate your patience.

Currently, there is nothing for you to do. If you are eligible to receive funds, we will communicate directly with you through email. If you do not receive a follow-up email, it means you did not meet the USDOE’s eligibility requirements.

We have developed the attached Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) document to assist you in understanding the reasoning behind these eligibility requirements and how the funds will be distributed.   

Please be sure to check your email daily for further communications regarding your eligibility for the CARES Act emergency financial aid grant.

Please stay safe, and we look forward to continuing to be your higher education institution of choice.


SLCC Administration

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