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First Day of Classes 2022: Resource Guide

First Day of Classes 2022: Resource Guide

Welcome to SLCC! We are excited to have you! Compiled below are a list of first-day resources that you may need to make your experience a smooth one. First day questions? Visit our Student Success Center inside the Ardoin Building, Room 403.

Explore the Campus Map - Get to know your way around campus and where your classes are. Each building has lounges, vending machines, and restrooms designed to improve the student experience.

Set Up Your Email Account - Your student email account is THE official way that SLCC faculty and staff will communicate with you. Set up your account and make sure to check it regularly!

Review Important Dates - With add/drop days, withdraw deadlines, and holidays, it's hard to keep things straight. Check out the Academic Calendar and set reminders.

Get Familiar with Degree Works - Degree Works will provide you with a listing of 04 both your completed courses and in-progress courses, as well as any outstanding courses and requirements you’ll need to complete your degree.

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