

Make an impact in the life of an individual student or on the campus of South Louisiana Community College. Either way, you’re inspiring others to reach their potential through education and training opportunities that without your support would not be possible.
The Foundation offers a variety of giving options. All gifts are processed through the Foundation for SoLAcc, a nonprofit 501c3 organization responsible for receiving and administering private donations to benefit SoLAcc.
As a donor, you may specify how your gift should be used, including the following designations:

contact us

Foundation for SoLAcc

1101 Bertrand Drive
Lafayette, LA 70506

Bequest Language

The following language may aid you and your attorney in preparing your bequest to the Foundation for the benefit of South Louisiana Community College:
I, [name], of [city, state, zip], give, devise and bequeath [written amount; percentage of the estate; specific asset; or description of property] to the Foundation for SoLAcc, a nonprofit corporation organized in accordance with the laws of the State of Louisiana for the unrestricted use and purpose of supporting South Louisiana Community College, an educational institution, located in Louisiana.
The property comprising this gift may, for investment purposes, be merged with any of the general investment assets of the Foundation for SoLAcc. The gift shall be entered in the Foundation's books and records as the [desired name of fund] Fund, and shall always be so designated. The distributions from the fund shall be:
a) unrestricted, unless directed by a separate gift agreement; or
b) used to…[After consulting with the Foundation, include specific gift-use preference(s) here.]
If, in the judgment of the Foundation Board of Directors, circumstances change which renders the designated use of this bequest to be no longer appropriate, the Foundation’s Directors shall direct use of this bequest to further the mission of South Louisiana Community College, giving consideration to the donor’s special interest as evidence by the purpose described above.

Share your Plans

If you choose to name the Foundation as a beneficiary, please let us know of your plans by contacting the Executive Director. This will enable us not only to show our appreciation of your generosity, but also to include your support in planning for the future of SoLAcc.

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