Welcome to Dual Enrollment
Dual Enrollment is a program that allows high school students in grades 10-12, including home education and private school students, to take college-level classes and simultaneously earn credit toward a high school diploma, a career certificate, an industry certification, an associate degree, or a baccalaureate degree.
Select a topic from the dropdown below to learn more about the program.
- Experience two schools at once - You'll be enrolled in high school and college at the same time.
- Save time and money - Complete college-level courses while in high school to increase the chance of graduating college early.
- Potential certification or degree - It’s possible to earn certifications in high-demand, high-wage professions before graduating high school. Some students gain an associate’s degree alongside their high school diploma.
- Earn transferable credits - Many courses are transferable to colleges and universities across the state, saving you time and money.
- Prepare for College- Prepare for college-level learning before enrolling full-time in college. Learn the expectations and responsibilities of college coursework, setting you up to succeed later down the road.
Things to Consider
Students interested in Dual Enrollment are encouraged to talk with their high school counselor. Students, parent/guardians, and counselors should together carefully assess whether Dual Enrollment is a good fit for the student. Students should be aware that college courses are typically more rigorous than high school courses and move at a faster pace. Also, Dual Enrollment courses result in college credits and grades become a part of the student’s permanent college record.
Admissions Requirements
The following list of requirements must be met in order to participate in SoLAcc’s high school dual enrollment program:
- Must have permission from the high school. The high school counselor or principal must sign the SoLAcc Dual Enrollment Signature Sheet. Applications are available for students to pick up from their high school counselor.
- Must be in good standing as defined by the high school.
- Must be high school sophomore, junior, or senior.
- Must have student, parent, and counselor (or designee) signature on the SoLAcc Dual Enrollment Paper Application.
- Must have taken either the PLAN, ACT or SAT assessment with scores on file at the high school
- Must meet all other course prerequisites as published in the SoLAcc catalog.
Eligibility Criteria
College-level academic courses and technical education courses each have different eligibility criteria outlined below:
College Level Academic Transfer Courses
Students may enroll in courses listed on the Louisiana Board of Regents’ Master Course Articulation Matrix and meet the following requirements:
- 2.5 overall high school GPA verified by the high school, to initiate or continue dual enrollment (end of each semester).
- 19 ACT Composite score
- 18 ACT English sub-score
- If no ACT score available (ASPIRE/Pre-ACT/Pre-SAT/EOC/ACCUPLACER) to enroll in English, foreign language, history, or introductory social science, humanities, or arts survey courses
- 19 ACT Mathematics sub-score
- If no ACT score available (ASPIRE/Pre-ACT/Pre-SAT/EOC/ACCUPLACER) to enroll in mathematics
English Deficiency – Students who meet other readiness indicators but have < 18 in ACT English will be allowed to enroll in mathematics courses for dual enrollment, if they concurrently address their reading/writing deficiencies.
Mathematics Deficiency – Students who meet other readiness indicators but have < 19 in ACT mathematics will be allowed to enroll in English, foreign language, history, or introductory social science, humanities, or arts survey courses for dual enrollment, if they concurrently address their mathematics deficiencies.
College Readiness Criteria – Because it is import that dual enrollment student’s graduate college—ready, before enrolling in any course on the Board of Regents’ Master Course Articulation Matrix in the spring semester/term of the senior year, a student must be able to demonstrate college readiness in both English and mathematics.
Career and Technical Education courses
- Each high school determines its minimum participation criteria.
- Students must earn a grade of “C” or better to continue enrollment in technical courses.
- If utilizing TTES funds the following requirements are required along with a completed LOSFA application:
- Five-year Education and Career Plan Completed
- 2.0 or higher GPA
- ACT PLAN score of 15 on mathematics and English
- In good standing as defined by the high school
Seven Steps to Dual Enrollment Registration:
- Meet with your high school counselor and fill out the High School Dual Enrollment Signature Sheet
- Make sure to write your created Login ID and PIN on the signature sheet
- Attach the following to your registration form:
- Immunization record or waiver will pen new browser window or tab
- Complete Dual Enrollment Online Application
- Attend SoLAcc Dual Enrollment Orientation
- Student ID
Before you apply online you MUST meet with your high school counselor. If you are homeschooled you must contact SoLAcc Admissions before applying online. Please ensure that you have access to your correct Social Security number and that you have completed a High School Dual Enrollment Signature Sheet before beginning the online application.
- Select: Apply Now button above
- Select: Apply Online
- Click “Don’t Have An Account Yet? Sign Up!”
- Dual Enrollment on High School Campus
- Are you enrolled in high school: Yes
- Which majors are you interested in: Non-Degree
- Complete all required information tabs
- Certification statement: Select check box
- You will see an Application Acknowledgement thanking you for choosing South Louisiana Community College once your application has been fully completed and submitted.
- For instructions on how to log into your LoLA student account, visit the LoLA page.
- For student services, visit our Current Students section.
Courses are taught by credentialed instructors from partnering high schools, or by instructors who currently teach at South Louisiana Community College. Below you will find our eligibility requirements along with essential documentation needed for credentialing.
ELIGIBILITY requirements
Academic Transfer Courses
- Master’s Degree
- 18+ graduate hours of study in field of course to be taught
Technical Education Courses
- Associate’s Degree (or higher)
- 18+ hours of study or work experience in field of course to be taught
- Proof of industry credentials, licensures, etc.
required documentation
- Current resume
- Official college transcript
- Copy of teaching certificate (general education) or training certificates (technical education)
Mail or send electronically to:
Office of Dual Enrollment
1101 Bertrand Drive
Lafayette, LA 70506
Below are the steps needed to submit a request for a new academic course to be taught at a high school.
1. Select Academic Courses
Review Academic Course Matrix and determine desired courses.
2. Credential Instructor
Send the following documents to DualEnrollment@solacc.edu:
- Current resume
- Official college transcript
- Copy of teaching certificate (general education) or training certificates (technical education)
3. Complete Course Request Form
Complete the online Course Request Form for all courses.
contact us
Office of Dual Enrollment
1101 Bertrand Drive
Lafayette, LA 70506
Kelita Johnson – Director of College Reach-Out Program (CROP)
Keston Lyons – Interim Program Manager of College Reach-Out Program (CROP)
Anita Randall – Dual Enrollment Coordinator
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